If you do your research,
go through archives,
you'll see I was faithful
to each of my wives,
as well as some
married to other guys.
Faithful, I mean,
when I was with them
because I am that kind.
Doesn't mean always.
No reason it should.
Out of sight, out of mind.
I had to revoke Brennan's security, obviously.
For some reason he would never be nice to me,
helping to sell the SICK illusion
that Russia and Trump did some “collusion”.
“No collusion? Hogwash!”, said he.
This I can not allow.
And even if I did collude —
which I DID NOT! and IT IS NOT A CRIME! —
what's it to him anyhow?
In conclusion,
collusion and infidelity
can not ever apply to me.
They never could and never will be.
Which would be odd. . .
if I weren't God.