Friday, May 25, 2018

№ 342: Damn-O-Crazy (Populism Goes Pop)

Many in Russia still miss the Czar.
They can not help it.
That's just how they are.
Don't tell me Germans are all that much wiser.
Many, I'm certain,
would welcome the Kaiser.
And, if you say,
“Well, that's just their thing”,
consider France or Israel
where they'd chance a king.
What we are seeing is a world-wide distemper
among the masses who long for an Emperor.
From Iran to China to Ethiopia
people prefer their local dystopia.

Everywhen, everywhere the story's the same
“good” people seeking someone to blame
for their lot choosing a leader
who says there's a plot,
and promises life'll be easier
after — guess what? — the bad guys get shot.
Before we in U.S. go,
“Tsk, tut, hrump!”,
remember our wild card,
the Joker, Donald J. Trump.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

№ 341: Bye-bye The Numbers?

What if two plus two
does not equal seven?
What if it's two-and-a-half?
What if
our words and our symbols
are only there for a laugh?
If reality's really merely a game,
does anything change 
when you change its name?
So, though it proves
a pure waste of time:
count, “1, 2, 3, 7, 
5, 6, 4, 8, 9.”

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

№ 340: Fears Its Self

What Donald fears:
where to begin?
We do know for certain
he does not like gin.
And for all that,
all alcohol.
Matter of fact,
he can't stand it all.

Germs? For certain.
Add those to his list.
Tho' history shows
no problem with trysts.
Bodily fluids — especially blood
make him turn bluish
and fall with a thud.
boldly declares
Donald may have
a problem with stairs.
Also with slopes!
(NO, not “Orientals”!)
which prey on his mind
whilst amidst Occidentals.
That he fears (and needs) women
is not something new.
A review of his life
shows this to be true.
We can assume
that he would rather
not be seen as senile
as was his father.

Sharks, evidently,
perturb his brain.
Which brings to mind
Roy Cohn. Again!
(Cohn, as you know,
was his gay father figure
who taught him to always
be quick on the trigger
and when you're hit
hit back harder and bigger
lest you occasion 
people to snigger.
Better to be 
seen as a tool
than to let anyone
think you a fool.)

He constantly wonders
who might poison his food
in the interlude.
We know he fears Mexicans —
AND the Chinese.
(Though certainly not
“the birds and the bees”.)
He may fear Alec Baldwin
and SNL.
Does he? As he would say,
“We'll see, time will tell.”
Does he fear Mueller?
Does he fear Congress?
Does he fear Putin?
The last is my guess.

To sum it up, Donald,
indeed and forsooth,
there is nothing to fear.
Except the TRUTH.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

№ 339: #SwedesToo

Der Spiegel: Literature, Lust and Lies at the Swedish Academy

The Swedish Academy will not be awarding a Nobel prize in literature this year. And a closer look at the swamp of scandal in Stockholm raises doubts as to whether it can ever be rehabilitated.

Things are just fine — until they suddenly aren't anymore. Then, everyone turns around and looks back in amazement at the human destruction and shards of shattered dignity left behind. At the moral morass. And they wonder: How could we have believed that everything would turn out alright?

WARNING: Article contains detailed descriptions of male misbehavior. Reader caution is advised. (Really!)

It seems, regardless, of position or wealth
a male of our species can't help himself
from helping himself to a woman's anatomy
even at, sadly, the Swedish Academy
where a bunch of (still!) mostly older white guys
each year decides who gets Nobel Lit. Prize.
This suggests men can not comprehend an instruction
which makes a distinction betwixt force and seduction.

Monday, May 21, 2018

№ 338.2: EXTRA! Do-Over?

Guardian: Human race just 0.01% of all life but has destroyed over 80% of wild mammals – study

Groundbreaking assessment of all life on Earth reveals humanity’s surprisingly tiny part in it as well as our disproportionate impact

Like all creators, Earth's had regrets
observing what he'd created.
That the Earth was a helluva mess
was a fact which could not be debated.
Any place life was
was precisely where strife was.
Creating life, as it turned out, was self-defeatin'
because, sooner or later, everything's eaten.
This creator then, let us assume,
chose to do something to relieve his gloom.
Cut to the chase: time to erase,
time to undo what creation had come to.
Doing that,” he thought,
would be too much work
and though I'm not perfect
I'm not that big a jerk.”
So, rather than throw the world under the bus
to put an end to creation he created us.
And we are succeeding beyond expectations.
We're what you end up with when you do creations.

№ 338.1: EXTRA! And In Confusion. . .

Guardian: Trump misspells Melania's name in tweet on her return to White House from hospital

Email subscribers click here.

Who the hell's my current wife
(I think she's number three)
is it “A” or “E”
When it comes to ho's
I don't go there, nosiree.
is it “A” or “E”?
Donald Trump!
Number three?
Donald Trump!
God strike me if I ever tell a lie.
Lie, lie, lie.
I love my schlong
it won't be long
before they indict me.
is it “A” or “E”?

№ 338: Speaking English Only?

Este miércoles se viralizó el video de un abogado estadounidense que arremetió contra empleados y clientes en un restaurante neoyorquino porque estos hablaban en español. El video publicado en Facebook alcanzó más de 6 millones de reproducciones.

El hombre, identificado como Aaron Schlossberg de 44 años, le gritó enfurecido al encargado del restaurante.

IF Anglo-Saxon invasions had never happened
would there be anywhere called Great Britain,
would Celtic* be the tongue Hamlet was writ in?
IF Godwinson had not defeated Hardrada
and not then been battle-killed by invader Guillaume, 
that French-speaking Norman bastard pretender 
whose God made him heir to Confessor's throne,
IF history had had a different twist
would this language we speak in even exist†?

Email subscribers click here.

Sunday, May 20, 2018