Saturday, November 18, 2017

No. 208.2: EXTRA! The Leaning Tower

Trump Ocean Club drew people accused of corruption and future president benefited from laundered funds — Guardian: Trump's Panama tower used for money-laundering by condo owners, reports say

Because I'm a germaphobe,
I launder money
to kill microbes.
Nothing here “funny”.
It would be rude to conclude
that I would collude
with Latino drug lords
and BFF's oligarchs.
I'm not tied to these deals.
(unless someone squeals.)

Believe me, folks,
I wouldn't fool ya.
(Who's that at the door?
Oh no, it's Mueller!)

Friday, November 17, 2017

No. 208.1: EXTRA! Tsk, Tsk, Tsk

President Trump abruptly reversed his administration’s Thursday decision to allow elephants shot for sport in Zimbabwe and Zambia to be imported back to the United States as trophies, saying in a tweet Friday night that he was putting the decision “on hold” until further review. -- WaPo: Trump halts big-game trophy decision (Paywall)

Try though I may
I really can’t
see reasons for
killing an elephant.

Perhaps with a spear
or other light gear
the hunt could be inviting.
But with a big gun
where is the fun?
How can you call this exciting?

Hunters, I hear,
are challenged by Venus.
The hunt compensates for
a very small penis.

No. 208: XY Gee

Genetic research is very complex.
(As is everything spelled s-e-x.)
That said, the latest results suggest
the Y-chromosome is a defective X-.

All male mammals from shrews to whales
save for this misfire would be females.
Or so science tells us. If this view prevails,
can us guys go ahead and paint our toenails?

Thursday, November 16, 2017

No. 207: Judgment Day

When our God meets His God
I would like be there.
To see Him get His
strikes me as fair.
(Mein GOTT! what he's got to answer for.
What ARE stubbed toes and cancer for?)

Imagine Him called on the carpet,
trying to justify creating this tar pit,
When He (vainly) tries to explain things away.
SHE, I trust, will, in disgust, say, 
“I beg you begone, sir! Leave me. GOOD DAY!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

No. 206.1: EXTRA! Testimony — The Short Session

Senators all,

I do not recall
whether I'm tall.

Thank you, y'all.

No. 206: Market Forecast

The market does not care
when the whole world goes to hell.
It cares about price of shares
at the closing bell.

If you think the market rational,
you've never paid attention.
Local or trans-national,
it isn't. Did I mention

it's run by hordes of frauds
who lord it over sheeple?
Who when challenged, will declare,
“I love you, little people!”

When, at last, first is last
(and — WORST! — last is first),
when the meek inherit Earth,
it won't have any worth.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

No.205: Oh, The Humanity

Gone but not forgotten
Chronicle/Alamy Stock Photo

Wherever we've gone
from the Paleolithic
our overall impact
has been terrific.
The thrill of the chase!
The joy of the kill!
Destroy and lay waste,
fulfilling God's will.

Monday, November 13, 2017

No. 204: Clean-up In Philippine Isles

Does Duterte rhyme with muerte?
Could he make Trump “vanish”?
I would like to ask him,
but I don't speak Spanish.

(I know, I know, I know.
Filipinos speak good English,
Tagalog and other tongues
I can not distinguish.)

Donnie ❤️ Duterte,
a strongman like his daddy.
A bully-killer-thug,
in short*: a total baddie.

If Donnie thinks Duterte's way
is the way to go,
America is over:
hello U.S. 2.0.
*Rodrigo Duterte is 5'6". Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin are both 5'7". Xi Jinping is 5'11". Donald Trump is the tallest man who has ever lived. (And I am Marie of Romania.)