Transcript of Donnie's meeting with Ukraine's comedian/president.
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(with apologies to Johnny Lange, Hy Heath, Ramblin' Tommy Scott and Fred Glickman)
Hi ya, hi ya.
Ukraine, hi ya, hi ya, Ukraine.
Glad t' meet ya, I'll explain, make it plain
Once I start, I don't stop
I don't stop, CLASSIFY THIS
tippity-top, tippity-top, tippity-top, tippity-top,
tippity, tippity, tippity-top
ya unnerstan?, we'll get along if
ya tell me what you're hidin'
'bout Joe and Hunter Biden
then I will sell you missiles
if the blowers do not whistle
I can help prevent disruption
to your usual corruption
We'll get along, get along.
Ukraine, hi ya, hi ya, Ukraine.
Glad t' meet ya, I'll explain, make it plain
Once I start, I don't stop
I don't stop, CLASSIFY THIS
tippity-top, tippity-top, tippity-top, tippity-top,
tippity, tippity, tippity-top
ya unnerstan?, we'll get along if
ya give what I need then I'll
listen while you wheedle,
provide you weapons scary
to confront Putin's mil-
itary aggression
an' if you make concessions
we'll get along, get along.
Ukraine, hi ya, hi ya, Ukraine.
Glad t' meet ya, I'll explain, make it plain
Once I start, I don't stop
I don't stop, CLASSIFY THIS
tippity-top, tippity-top, tippity-top, tippity-top,
tippity, tippity, tippity-top
ya unnerstan?, we'll get along if
you are really glad that
I am such a badass
which I believe you orta,
have you met my daughter?
I will help you pack
when Vlad Putin attacks you
So go along, we'll get along.
We'll get along, get along.
Hi ya, hi ya.
Hi ya, hi ya.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Friday, September 27, 2019
№ 692.2: EXTRA! Dead Trees Do Not Ride Again (a capital view)
More than half of native European trees face extinction, warns study
Tomorrow Europe will not see
the same variety of tree
they today in Europe see.
Ash and elm and rowan trees
swaying gently in the breeze
may succumb to some disease.
If pollution fails to kill 'em
the changing clime will do 'em in
leaving deserts for our children.
Well, so what? To hell with them.
Do trees serve a useful purpose?
Do trees turn a profit?
What's the point of having trees?
Who cares if we stop it?
So there will be fewer birds,
amphibs, reptiles, mammals.
These are things that no one eats.
And deserts do have camels!
This is just a false alarm
or should I say another?
Hey, tree-hugger, “Buy the farm,
Nature's not my Mother!”
Mining, lumber, manufacture,
technology make money.
Killing Bambi in the wood
would, I think, be funny.
Plus for those with allergies
trees are like to make you sneeze,
so you must excuse me, please,
when I say to hell with trees.
№ 692.1: EXTRA! A Donnie Daydream (hey, nonny, hey nonny, hell no)
FAN TIZZY ISLAND (September 27)
Brexit stuff has got me thinkin'.
can't Ivanka be queen of Inklan?
an island. Why can't I buy it?
Windsor Palace into luxury “flats”?
famblie's as Royal an even more German.
we are also Scots, two.
bet my man Rudy could somehoe figure
the Inklish queen should be a Jew.
that my daughter is actually J-ish,
sure it's only a stage.
myself, did a bunch of dumb stuff
when I
was exactly her age.
got gold and incredible wealth.
I should be queen their myself.
№ 692: Jack And Donnie (And Liz?)
JFK told us, “Shoot for the moon”
while he, himself, worked the bed-room.
He was a phony, but it was inspiring.
Donnie's more “honest”. And very tiring.
Both blatantly lied about being
Jack was more modest about being
Both chided news outlets. Which
was duly rewarded with fan approbation.
The Herald Tribune,
I fear, is no longer.
it appears, is a wee tiny bit stronger.
Neither Jack nor Donnie was what you could call “qualified” —
I wonder did THAT EVER matter?
Although everything Kennedy's foreign to me. . .
Forced to pick? Reluctantly Jack, over the latter.
Warren now sits in Jack's place,
warming his seat in the Senate. If
we were to replace Donnie with Liz,
we were to replace Donnie with Liz,
wonder what would be the benefit?
from dumb ass to over-the-top?
thing's for damn sure, this has to 🛑.
If Donnie loses — please, let it be so! —
you have to wonder, would he actually go?
Would he try to hang on — on some pretense
that, even to FOX, does not make sense?
Would FOX proclaim how this hard lesson,
has now secured Ivanka's succession?
If Donnie loses — please, let it be so! —
you have to wonder, would he actually go?
Would he try to hang on — on some pretense
that, even to FOX, does not make sense?
Would FOX proclaim how this hard lesson,
has now secured Ivanka's succession?
Thursday, September 26, 2019
№ 691.2: EXTRA! Donnie Plea Bargains
This stuff with Ukrainia
is really a painia
in my most ample butt.
BUT I am confident
all my close confidants
are gonna keep they're mouth shut
and not spill the beans
because that would mean
an end to my precedence
which would be disproportionate
and most unfortunate
and you'd be stuck with Mike Pence
who all agree
is worse than me
in addition to which he's a schnook.
Though I am a liar
who loves yelling “FIRE!”,
I am an adorable crook
whose crazy views
play well on FOX News —
I am very a-pre-ci-ated
by the old codgers
who hate draft dodgers
and think Meryl Streep's overrated.
The way that I see it
it makes great TV, in-
creasing cable news viewing.
CNN should be thankful,
I earn them a tankful
of loot 'coz I do what I'm doing.
Do not sound the alarm!
Nobody's been harmed.
Billionaires are doing fine.
Even George Soros
is joining the chorus
acknowledging I am divine
or if not a god
a guy with a wad
the world will not soon be shot of.
I may be vain,
a hurricane. . .
damage. . .I've done a lot of.
But I am here
so everyone cheer.
I tell you it's going greatly.
Please I beg, trust me.
Please do not bust me.
Have I ever lied to you lately?
№ 691.1: EXTRA! Innocent When Proven Guilty (lowering the Barr)
About four weeks later, the department rendered its judgment: President Trump had not violated campaign finance laws when he urged Ukraine’s president to work with Mr. Barr to investigate a political rival, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.
LETATCESTMOI (September 25)
or I pay him a fee,
then he's supposed
to investigate me?
That doesn’t make sense.
It’s like prostitution.
I do not care what it
says in “THE Constitution”.
MY lawyer’s MY mouthpiece
MY consigliere.
He is not just some dumb
fuckin’ canary,
turning against me,
being a rat.
There's a solution
for people like that.
The problem’s not knotty.
Not to be snotty,
but I learned to deal with it
from my pal John Gotti.
A really great guy,
truly a beauty.
It was through him
that I met Rudy.
№ 691: Going Know Where Fast
What don't
we know?
When don't we know it?
When don't we know it?
All of the time?
All of the time?
That is why we love our illogical
conclusion there is something divine
in our existence which, with persistence,
we may one day discover.
Although our endeavors, such as they are,
would not, in fact, impress your mother.
would not, in fact, impress your mother.
Our science, our art, our technology?
Alchemy, daubs and tautology.
Our long-term prospects remain as dire
as they were the day we hit upon fire.
Our “best-before” is about to expire.
We're spiraling downward into the gyre,
spilling from frying pan into the pyre.
A note to email subscribers:
Apparently due to an inter-Google glitch some of yesterday's EXTRA! editions may not have been dispatched. Should you wish to peruse said issues, please click on following links:
№ 690.1: EXTRA! אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה (and I don't give a damn)
№ 690.2: EXTRA! Election (you say ether, I say anesthesia)
№ 690.3: EXTRA! Climate Change (White House Edition)
We're spiraling downward into the gyre,
spilling from frying pan into the pyre.
A note to email subscribers:
Apparently due to an inter-Google glitch some of yesterday's EXTRA! editions may not have been dispatched. Should you wish to peruse said issues, please click on following links:
№ 690.1: EXTRA! אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה (and I don't give a damn)
№ 690.2: EXTRA! Election (you say ether, I say anesthesia)
№ 690.3: EXTRA! Climate Change (White House Edition)
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
№ 690.3: EXTRA! Climate Change (White House Edition)
ICYHOTPATCH (September 25)
With glaciers melting faster and faster
we're clearly approaching some kind of
Some day soon we'll find due to heat
the cupboard is bare and we've nothing
to eat.
The crops will have wilted (or drowned)
in their fields
and Donnie, our King, will say he'll
to the multiple gods with whom he's at
to have mercy on some of his worshipful
That is to say after he feasts
on the scavenged carcasses of whatever
are still around. Then he'll go to town
to watch Melanie try on a brand new
ball gown.
This is the TRUTH. It is not news
That's the only time he'll get her
This is not only because she's grown
In point of fact, she finds him
exceedingly old,
wrinkled and limp, resembling a blimp
and she's truly tired of hearing him
and plead and talk of he need when
after Stormy
she thought they'd agreed to end the
playing husband and wife,
and she 'd be free to get on with her
She thought when she signed the
she would not have to suffer this sort
of exposure.
№ 690.2: EXTRA! Election (you say ether, I say anesthesia)
So what's with the shock
bordering on mockery
when pols persist
on breaking crockery
just as they pledged
to do when they ran.
Did you think, “Really,
it's only a scam
on their supporters”,
they winked at reporters,
“I wouldn't really do THAT!”?
The THAT in question
being whatever fell
out one day
from under their hat.
Donnie pledged to end
rules from “Big Brother”.
(Except for gay marriage
and pregnant ladies.)
Lizzie would nationalize
your father and mother
and if you don't like it,
tell you, “Go to Hades.”
Today's candidates are not disguising
that they are totally
No half measures will do for them.
They only know: you lose, I win.
This is why peace is harder than war.
At war you're sure what you're fighting
Whereas, at peace the name of the game
is just making sure we all think the
and to do that you hafta be willin'
to do anything short of actual killin'
all who oppose you, all those who are
even though some may be just Swedish
Election season is no time to be reasonable.
Attempts at reason are seen as treasonable.
№ 690.1: EXTRA! אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה (and I don't give a damn)
TRUMP PALACE (September 25)
Glued to the box, in just socks, watching FOX
I watch as the Dems marshal their “facts”
knowing I dasn't relax over snacks
of burgers and Cokes. They are not joking.
I told the UN the globe’s on the wane,
I meddled in Vlad’s domain, the Ukraine.
While this is not a strain on my brain,
(and if it were I’d not deign to complain)
a lot of this shit is really a pain
and I do not think I would do it again
except for the fun of thumbing my nose
at everything Obama did, I suppose.
What with his “smarts” and smarmy “honesty”
he turned the government into a monast’ry.
Out with “dignity”, forget being “formal”.
My fans delight when I act normal.
Like back in the day when JFK
fiddled with chicks and had it his way
without his spouse, in the White House,
and it was charming if you were louse.
Whenever I tweet in distortional font,
gazillions of fans get what they want.
And, please excuse, but I must observe,
I am exactly what they deserve.
[updated 9/25/2019, 1:10 pm]
[updated 9/25/2019, 1:05 pm]
And, please excuse, but I must observe,
I am exactly what they deserve.
[updated 9/25/2019, 1:10 pm]
[updated 9/25/2019, 1:05 pm]
№ 690: “Climate Change” (14 April 1912)
ALLATSEA (September 24)

Lest you, our passengers, be caught unawares,

Lest you, our passengers, be caught unawares,
please be advised in re: the deck
which our experienced crew are re-arranging,
although and albeit the weather is
as we near Greenland, that marvel of
and whilst it is calving season for
we've naught to fear from these
mountains of ice
which our ship can get round in less
than a trice.
Seeing icebergs so close should prove a
And, oh yes, we've cancelled today's life boat
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
№ 689.2: EXTRA! Do I Dare To Say Impeach? I Do Not Think It Will Sing To Me
Investigation will cast a dark cloud over Trump’s already norm-shattering presidency as he faces re-election
Why bother to start an impeachment
which is destined to fail?
There isn't even the ghost of a chance
Donnie will end up in jail
where he belongs along with the throngs
of lawyers and corporate cheaters
who never do and are as unlikely to
as we are to measure in meters.
Declare Donnie Emperor and hope his
does not commensurately worsen.
Disband the Courts, the House, the Senate —
no benefit opposing his person.
Give him all prizes, Nobel and
Oscars, Emmys and Tonys.
Any time he does not win
the fix was in, it was phony.
He won the Derby, the Indy 500,
the Stanley Cup and MVP.
He is the Rookie of Every Year.
The Apprentice made NBC.
Give him whatever he says he wants.
Tell him he is perfection.
As for the rest of us, where can we hide?
Maybe witness protection?
Keeping heads down
until he “leaves town”?
[updated 9/25/2018, 8:19 am]
[updated 9/25/2018, 8:19 am]
№ 689.1: EXTRA! It Takes One Two No One
Donald Trump’s new national security adviser studied at the segregated University of the Orange Free State
South Africa at the time was considered a pariah state and faced wide-ranging academic, sporting and cultural boycotts, backed by the UN. The US imposed sanctions in 1986, after Congress pushed through the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act, overriding a veto by Ronald Reagan.
So what my guy supports apartheid?
It's not like he's some kind of Muslim.
(I don't mind good ones who murder journalists,
I mean like the terrorist hoodlums
who cheered from their roof when TWIN TOWERS collapsed.
I remember! That's proof! You've “forgotten”, perhaps?)
And he's not Hispanic. So what's the
O'BRIEN is not Gonzales.
He's pure European like you and like
is not that sufficient solace.
I would if I could but sadly I can't
resurrect and appoint the late, great George Wallace.
№ 689: Cat-tingency Planning
Cats bond with their people too, study finds
Scientists say felines display similar ‘attachment styles’ with caregivers as dogs and children – but not everyone is convinced
“Your” cat really loves you. That
is a fact,
the science says this is so. It is not an
the purring, the mewing, the rubbing
your ankles,
which, when you trip, inadvertently
But “Puss” did not mean to cause
you to fall,
she just thought you'd have her balance,
that's all.
That you could, as she can, land on your
(But if you did break your neck, she'd
get something to eat.)
Monday, September 23, 2019
№ 688: Trump's Country, 'Tis Of Thee (with CANADIAN Brass!)
(Second Fanfare)
We have our guns galore,
(Third Fanfare)
My country, 'tis of thee,
under pres-ID-en-cy
of Trump, ka-ching!
White pride was not allowed
under Obama crowd
now we are loud and proud.
Of Trump we sing.
(Second Fanfare)
We have our guns galore,
e-nuff to stock a store.
And ammo, too.
Male, Christian and we're white,
Male, Christian and we're white,
we're spoiling for a fight,
we know that might makes right.
We be-lieve Q.
(Third Fanfare)
Trump rev-o-lu-TI-on.
Fix Con-sti-tu-TI-on?
“Maybe. We'll see.”
Nix on all balance checks,
guar-an-tee we have sex,
Greenland we will annex.
Donald is like a god.
We cheer and we applaud.
Of him we sing.
In him we place our trust
though he will bankrupt us
so what if he's a bust?
God save the king!
(Fanfare Ultimo)
(Fanfare Ultimo)
Sunday, September 22, 2019
№ 687.2: EXTRA! Trump: I'm Just Biden My Time
Trump, Scrutinized Over Interaction With Ukraine, Still Calls for Biden Probe
The Trump campaign sent supporters an email on Saturday echoing the calls by the president and his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate Mr. Biden over widely discredited allegations of impropriety. “What is Joe Biden hiding?” the email read. Mr. Trump in tweets accused Democrats and the media of starting a “Ukraine Witch Hunt.”SAYITAIN'TSODONNIE (September 22)
Hey, Hunter Biden
wudda ya hidin'?
I know you must be a crook.
I have a fam'bly
and for exam'bly
for crookedness we cooked the book.
My dad was a big shot
though he never was
as big as me.
I keep his photo
on White House desk.
He's senile and dead,
but I think he's impressed.
And my kids?
Connivers and liars
chips, all,
off the block.
Had to be.
Superior stock.
No one can shame us. . .
Your father's famous,
though not as famous as me.
If he had a show
he'd have ratings SO LOW.
That I can guarantee.
You musta cashed in
and pulled strings to win
seeing' as how you're related to him.
Unless you're a jerk
who actually works.
People like that
drive me berserk.
So stupid. Unwillin'
to make a killin'.
'Fraid someone'll say,
“Him. He's the villain.”
Always deny. Deny and stay calm.
Act like you're in the eye of the storm.
When the dust settles,
when the winds wane,
you point someone out.
“Him you should blame.”
Smirk, pretend innocence,
be free as the breeze.
That is how us
big rats get cheese.
(Roy Cohn always told me
when you're under attack
if what they say is true
hit back and distract.)
Me? I'm as honest as the day is long.
(At the North Pole on Christmas morn.)
Speaking of Christmas
it will be nice
when I am as famous
as Jesus Christ.
There is a man
who knows how to brand
He lives in the desert
but I am more tan
Which, I don't know,
but I would guess
means that I've had
the greater success.
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