Friday, January 17, 2020
№ 772: Trump Is Just A Four Letter Word
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(with apologies to Bob Dylan)
Seems as tho' the GOP lost its collective mind,
either that or they de-cid-ed, “better to be blind”
Donnie knows this con-stit-u’ncy
will ig-nore his lax mor-al-it-y
so long as his ev’ry ap-point-ee
en-for-ces their re-lig-i-os-ity
no way
of making Donnie ever go away
Outside of Dem-o-crats (some who might be worse),
no one an-y-where can free us of this curse
Of can-did-ates, there were — at least — a score,
al-most ev'ry one a bore
with whom Donnie’d mop the floor
as in des-per-a-tion, Dems search for
some way
of making Donnie somehow go away
Dem’s never know it’s time to go when their ammo's spent
Donnie’s crowd is “loud and proud” and they do not relent
They’ve got guns and the Dems have none
come High Noon showdown Dems are done
So Dems sit back and sip some good Bordeaux
no point in fighting toe-to-toe
no way
of somehow making Donnie go away
Though Nancy did her level best, impeachment can not work,
not with Mitch and GOP backing up the jerk
The high crimes and mis-de-mean-ors clause
is not enough to even give them pause
because they know Donnie knows no law
and if he did, they know that he’d ig-nore,
(no matter that the whole wide world de-plored)
anyone or anything he saw as moored
in his way
and to-tal-ly refuse to go away
Re-mem-ber how we were taught no one's above the law
A pretty thought that counts for naught as Donnie clearly saw
Now that Donnie's found Ar-tic-le II
there is no tell-ing what he’ll do
with his short attention span and shorter fuse
and his pred-i-lec-tion to ab-use
given the Su-preme Court’s skew-er-ed views,
I’d say
there is no way that Donnie goes away
Thursday, January 16, 2020
№ 771: Trump, Whether Vane
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(with apologies to Carly Simon)
I won ov-er the Party
(NOT part of some Putin plot!)
Bew-t-ful hair exquisitely brushed,
my skin tinted apricot
With one eye on the mirror
(am I great, or what?)
And all the girls wish I'd ask them to “date me”
ask them to “date me”, but
I’m not vain
It's just that everything is about me
It's just that everything is about me
I’m not vain,
I know the song is always about me
So true!
So true!
That one I had years ago
That one I had years ago
when she still pretended “naive”
I told her she had a real pretty pair
and whichever wife I’d leave
But you know I lied, of course,
it’s my pedigree
I may be scum, but these are such dumb broads,
such God-damn dumb broads, but
I’m not vain
I know the song is always about me
I’m not vain,
I just know ALL songs are always about me
So true!
So true!
So true!
I may be scum, but these are such dumb broads,
So true!
I may be scum, but these are such dumb broads,
such fuck-ing dumb broads, but
I’m not vain
I know the song is always about me
I’m not vain,
I just know ALL songs are always about me
So true!
So true!
When I am Em-per-or I’ll wear a toga
When I am Em-per-or I’ll wear a toga
to hide my enormous butt
And if I play golf wearing a “dress”
then I can cheat when I putt
I’m in the limelight all the time
but when I’m not, I’m with
some Russian guy
some Russian guy
or the wife of a close friend,
wife of a close friend, but
I’m not vain
I just know everything is about me
I’m not vain,
I just know each and every song is about me
So true!
So true!
So true!
I’m not vain,
I’m not vain,
I just know each and every song is about me
I’m not vain,
I just know each and every song is about me
I’m not vain. . .
I’m not vain. . .
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
№ 770.1: EXTRA! Two Many Popes Spoil
In a new book, the former pope makes a firm defense of celibacy for priests as Pope Francis is expected to decide whether to allow married priests in remote regions. Let the intrigue begin.
When popes disagree on celibacy,
a Vatican matter of delicacy,
which “Holiness” (or “Excellency”?)
will point to the other’s irrelevancy?
With real world factors causing despair,
I have to ask, “Why should anyone care
whether priests can be legally wed,
when those ‘in the no’ say religion is dead?”)
№ 770: Chances Are
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DO OVER (January 14)
(with apologies to Bob Dylan)
We’re in pain, more loss than gain, our future’s past
It was fun, a real good run, it could not last
Our time is up, the piper must be paid
Though we stall, it can not be de-layed
Trump or not, there is no other way,
it’s all over, so long USA
It's not im-mi-grants, un-i-ons or mi-nor-it-ies
It's not im-mi-grants, un-i-ons or mi-nor-it-ies
Too late, an-y-ways, t’ change pri-or-it-ies
It isn't Bi-bles . . . Je-sus, it ain’t guns
It’s about what natch-er-ly comes
Countries rise and fall, that's hist'ry's way
And the time is up, so good-bye, USA
All mission’ries and sci-en-tists and so-cial-ists
All mission’ries and sci-en-tists and so-cial-ists
claimin’ t' have answers . . . they are useless pests
Climate change, en-vir-on-ment collapse
These are facts, there is no per-haps
We've taken ev'rything Earth had to give
And it’s all over now, Western Civ
Leave the stepping stones behind there's something that calls for you
Leave the stepping stones behind there's something that calls for you
All the debts we've left, they are now coming due
The vag-a-bonds now at our border door
are standing in the clothes that we once wore
Drill an-oth-er well, that’s all we do
We're so over now, Red, White and Blue
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
№ 769: Au Canada?
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SOMEDAY SOON (January 13)
(with apologies to Ian Tyson)
There’s a crass man we all know
his name is Donald Trump
comes from Queens
in New York City
If he makes you nervous
it shows you’re not a chump
Someday soon, he may kill us
someday soon
Dem-o-crats can't stand him
Dem-o-crats can't stand him
because he’s de-struct-o
Republicans believe he is
The Messiah
and let him get away with things
even though they know
he very well may kill us
someday soon
But, maybe, come the fall
But, maybe, come the fall
we can make him go away,
elect someone almost as bad,
but in a different way
So, fingers crossed, here's hopin’
but in a different way
So, fingers crossed, here's hopin’
the country isn’t done
who really wants to move up north and be near Meg-han
Neither she nor Harry
mean anything to me
Dump the Pantaloon (if only),
someday soon
But, maybe, come the fall
But, maybe, come the fall
we will make him go away,
elect someone almost as bad,
but in a different way
So, fingers crossed, here's hopin’
but in a different way
So, fingers crossed, here's hopin’
the country isn’t done
who really wants to move up north and be near Meg-han
Neither she nor Harry
mean anything to me
Dump the Pantaloon (please God,
someday soon)
Dump the Pantaloon (please God,
someday soon)
Monday, January 13, 2020
№ 768: Over The Presidential Rainbow (Donnie reacts to reaction to Suleimani take-out)
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(with apologies to Harold Arlen and E. Y. Harburg)
it is ap-pal-ling
You know why
I call it gal-ling,
a strong guy like me could cry
these lim-i-ta-tions
I tell you
I can do what I want to
it says in Ar-tic-le II
Each day I wake,
these lim-i-ta-tions
I tell you
I can do what I want to
it says in Ar-tic-le II
Each day I wake,
eat steak and cake,
watch FOX,
I tweet and make mis-takes
I’m balm-y
I curse the Dems
I curse the Dems
the hers and hims
and then I down a dozen Cokes
to calm me
others are free to
kill a guy
Vlad, MSB, Kim and Xi kill
why, then, oh why, can’t I?
Each day I wake,
Each day I wake,
eat steak and cake,
watch FOX,
I tweet and make mis-takes
I’m bal-my
I curse the Dems
I curse the Dems
the hers and hims
and then I down a dozen Cokes
to calm me
others are free to
kill a guy
If Vlad and Bibi can kill
why, then, oh why, can’t I?
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