Friday, April 12, 2019

№ 572: Believers' Creed (the universal prayer)


Progress and civilization,
this is our destiny, we are a nation
following paths our forefathers trod
upon others while worshiping God
who is strict, unforgiving, demanding,
God who, it is our understanding,
chose us as his people, the cream of his crop,
a people destined to be unstoppable
rulers of others both far and near,
THAT God has made abundantly clear,
choosing us, forsaking all others,
to honor our fathers and murder our brothers,
since we are His chosen, we have to conclude,
when we are not winning we're being screwed
by traitors among us who worship the Devil,
celebrate “Sabbaths” with Satanic revelry,
who we will find wherever they hide.
We will succeed because God's on our side.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

№ 571.1 EXTRA! Barring Mueller

Email subscribers click here.

(with apologies to Roy Orbison and Joe Melson)

Email subscribers click here.

THE SWAMP, April 11

Donald was fine for a while
Big Macs made him smile
then I tried to thwart
the Mueller Report
with my four page summary
I thought it went well
but there was this smell. . .
I told him, “Spying, FBI.
Spying. I'm your guy”
He said, “Investigate”
and I knew I could not wait
to find the spying, spying,
spying, spying
I have to make up “facts”
to keep him off my back
or I'll be fired

I thought, “With you
the party's through
but I love it still and always will
I'll behave recklessly for my Grand Old Party
Really, what else can I do?
But tell him lies
and be compromised
lying, ‘Spying upon you,
spying on junior, too’  
Then when he's gone
the country can move on
from all the lying, conniving,
denying, dying
Yeah, crying, crying
over you”

№ 571: Here And Now, There And Then, Tomorrow And Tomorrow And Tomorrow


Fact is, I maintain —
as I've said all along —
there are no right answers,
just flavors of wrong.
Some things are “right”
for a short time
and later on 
they're called a crime
or, at the least,
somewhat untoward
as people change
and they move forward.
Or backward. 
Depending upon
your point of view,
culture, DNA and so on.

“TRUTH” decreed
could set us “free”
if we agreed
what “TRUTH”
and “free” should be.
Which we never will.
Despite hopes and wishes,
those who survive
are the most vicious.
Most of the rest of us
sleep with the fishes.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

№ 570.1 EXTRA!: Judge not, Lester B. Judge (a Trump mission statement – or something)

Email subscribers click here.

I don't care you're a judge.
What I say is the law
Nothing you say/do can ever budge me
from my conviction – that might be the wrong word –
that I, though my speech may, at times, sound slurred,
am the one man who knows every watchword
as to how the world works, what countries are turds,
how to get all of my debts (and draft) deferred,
how to avoid any penalties that I've incurred,
how to coerce every woman I've ever preferred,
how to live life complete, undeterred
by decency, honesty or any morality,
principle, religion, but not bestiality –
my business is, as you know, hospitality.
I am the whole package, the total totality.
I may be flawed, but I am a god
like Cæsar or Nero or, my favorite, Caligula –
two hoots for wee boots, three cheers for the figure he
cut in old Rome. (My kind of place, I'd be at home.)
And if you think I'm now prone to temper,
then just you wait until I am Emperor.
FAKE NEWS anchors and late night hosts
will be gladiators or tied to posts
where they'll be attacked by lions and bears.
We'll see how they scream when they get theirs.
All this will be broadcast on FOX TV
sponsored by my friends, Koch Bros. Industries.
Those who survive this kind of toil,
them I will boil in the crudest crude oil
at rallies or dipped in turpentine
they'll be chopped up by wind turbines
or roasted in furnaces fired by coal
which will help reach my energy goal.
Population solution is more pollution,
just like it says in the Constitution.
Which, if I may brag,
I sometimes love
even more than the flag
which one of those days
after I shred it
I may regret
that I never read it.

№ 570: Trump — The Orangine Story? (or an irregal aryan)

REMULAK, April 9

Is Donald from Roswell?
Here's what I think.
He seems somewhat alien,
a bit out of sync
with Earthly creatures
like you and like me.
Does his hair hide his conehead
so we can't see it?
His problems with language —
syntax and such —
shows he knows English.
(But not very much.)
He eats “yuge” quantities of
charred mammal flesh.
Yet his heart beats,
And he survives
on but little sleep.
(It's either that or
he sleep tweets.)
Also, he does not
love Meryl Streep.
(She once set him fuming.)
If he be human,
he is unglued
that is the one thing
I would conclude.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

№ 569.1: EXTRA! Borderline Personality Disorder

Some GOP Lawmakers Express Unease With Trump’s Changes at DHS

I'd advise oldtime GOPers
DO NOT ignore your reasonable fears,
DO NOT say, “It's an honor to serve.”
You need to heed your olfactory nerve.

especially, if you seek job security
DO NOT take a job at Homeland Security
unless you've no shame
and want to take blame
for crackpot distractions
both inhumane and lame
fulsomely praised by
Trump fanboy Hannity
and you wish to cast off
your remaining humanity.
Even Chuck Grassley,
who is Iowa white,
knows what's going on
just isn't right.
It is not with
people we're FULL.
It's we've got a president
who's full of BULL.

№ 569: In Hospice Pity Tally

REALITY, April 8

If you think about it
it isn't preposterous
for you to conclude
the Earth is a hospice.
All life, all species,
of course, are ephemeral,
to try to deny it
is mental Demerol.
Believe if you must
in God we trust,
don't make a fuss,
we're essentially dust
from which we come
to which we'll go,
that is the game
goodbye, hello.

This hospice, however,
is poorly run.
(I assume that's not
news to anyone.)
Lacking in comfort,
lacking in calm,
chock-full of things
causing us harm,
indifferent as to
whether we're well.
You know what it is?
It's a hospice from hell.
A hospice designed
by Donald Trump
and his GOP
with the intent
to put in your head
this is so awful
you'd be better dead
rather than here
with hapless bystanders
who are so distressed
they'd elect Bernie Sanders
which is not a solution
in times like these
all it would be
is different disease.

Monday, April 8, 2019

№ 568: Donald Counting His Blessings

Email subscribers click here.

N.B. At variance with our usual practice, the “lyrics” below are not meant to be — indeed, cannot be — sung to the tune. Intent is to set the mood.


I envy everyone who isn't me
because they have me to envy.
What is there to life if life does not test you,
if no one and nothing ever can best you?

I have the best words. And the most bestest money.
I have the best sex. (Ask one of my honeys.)
I have the best lawyers. (Now that Cohen is gone.)
I've had the best wives I could cheat on.

I have the best children. (Except Junior and Eric.)
I have the best followers. (They think I'm hysterical.)
I have the best network, my FOXes and Friends.
(The one in the middle, does she have a boyfriend?)

I eat the the best burgers. I play the best golf.
If I had a reindeer, it would be Rudolph.
(If a reindeer could be Ey-tal-ee-an-ie,
I'd have the best with Rudolph Giuliani.).

I've the best administration ever assembled.
There's never been one that could resemble
my cohort of schemers, liars and freaks,
incompetent relatives, providers of leaks,
these grubby grifters, this fine bunch of crooks
each a backstabber, who'll write a book
saying my White House is one piece of work
calling me an in-CO-herent jerk,
distracted, disorganized, discombobulated,
confused, corrupted, hair corrugated,
only concerned with my orange-y image,
eating junk food, avoiding spinach,
driving the the country to rack and ruin
too Dunning Kruger to know what I'm doing.

That's what your life is if you are me.
Oh, to have someone who I could envy.