Saturday, December 21, 2019

№ 752.2: EXTRA! Keep The Soul In Solstice 2019

WINTER (December 21)

Winter begins 'round midnight. Solstice*.
Though it be cold, it isn't coldest.
Take a hot toddy. (Or a warm poultice.)
Counteract lack of SOL in Solstice.
*December 21, 2019 at 11:19 pm EST

Friday, December 20, 2019

№ 752.1: EXTRA! GOTT MIT UNS (and Donnie and guns)

Franklin Graham slams Christianity Today for invoking father's name in call for Trump's removal

“My father knew Donald Trump, believed in Donald Trump, and in this last election, he voted for Donald Trump,” the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse added. “And if he were here today, I'm sure he would tell you that himself.”

President Trump responded to the editorial Friday morning, tweeting the “far left magazine ... knows nothing about reading a perfect transcript of a routine phone call and would rather have a Radical Left nonbeliever, who wants to take your religion and your guns, than Donald Trump as your President.”

GILEAD (December 20)

Every TRUE Christian takes the position
that to have it our way is no imposition
on non-believers, deceived by the devil,
who cannot conceive that we're on the level
and are not out of hand when we demand
that they obey every command
we are convinced comes from God's lips
until we achieve apocalypse.

God gave us this mission to bring on perdition.
And, yes, DO expect a New Inquisition.
— Franklin Graham

[updated 12/20/2019 4:19 pm]

№ 752: Bio Massacre (a germ of an idea)


Creation requires that everything kill.
Killing's fulfilling everything's willing.
All creatures follow the law to the letter.
We, the chosen, of course, do it better.

We were chosen because we excel in disposing
with any and all living things:
flyers, crawlers, swimmers, walkers,
with and without fins, limbs and wings.
Foolish or wise, regardless of size,
all we encounter we cause to expire
which we're assured is perfectly swell
with our God who, like us, is a single cell.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

№ 751.1: EXTRA! Informed Sauces

Former White House officials say they feared Putin influenced the president’s views on Ukraine and 2016 campaign (Paywall)

Almost from the moment he took office, President Trump seized on a theory that troubled his senior aides: Ukraine, he told them on many occasions, had tried to stop him from winning the White House.

After meeting privately in July 2017 with Russian President Vladi­mir Putin at the Group of 20 summit in Hamburg, Trump grew more insistent that Ukraine worked to defeat him, according to multiple former officials familiar with his assertions.

The president’s intense resistance to the assessment of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia systematically interfered in the 2016 campaign — and the blame he cast instead on a rival country — led many of his advisers to think that Putin himself helped spur the idea of Ukraine’s culpability, said the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal discussions.

One former senior White House official said Trump even stated so explicitly at one point, saying he knew Ukraine was the real culprit because “Putin told me.”

Two other former officials said the senior White House official described Trump’s comment to them.

Email subscribers click here.

THE HOLE TRUTH (December 19)

(with apologies to Dale Evans)

How do I know? Vlad'mir tells me so.

Ukraine worked a-ga-in-st me
to prevent my pres'den-cy
How do I know? Vlad'mir tells me so.

Me and him have oft discussed 
how he's a pal that I can trust
How do I know? Vlad'mir tells me so.

“Don't worry 'bout your FBI
ignore what they say,
you can always count on me
to guide you all the way.”

Ukraine worked a-gain-st me
to prevent my pres'den-cy
How do I know? Vlad'mir tells me so.

№ 751: Nancy And Donald, Part I (shake fears and fruit may fall)


The complaints I hear of thee are grievous.

'Sblood, m'lady, they are false: nay, I'll tickle
ye for a kitten, i' faith.

Swearest thou, ungracious lump? henceforth ne'er look
on US. Thou art lyingly carried away from true:
there is a devil haunts thee in the likeness of an
old fat man; a tun of man is thy “companion. Why
dost thou comport with that tweet of humours, that
bolting-hutch of beastliness, that swollen parcel
of dropsies, that huge bombard of Coke®, that stuffed
cloak-bag of guts, that roasted McDonald's Big Mac® with
the pudding in his belly, that reverend vice, that
grey iniquity, that father ruffian, that vanity i
years? Wherein is he good, but to taste Coke® and
drink it? wherein neat and cleanly, but to mouth a
Big Mac® and eat it? wherein cunning, but in craft?
wherein crafty, but in villany? wherein villanous,
but in all things? wherein worthy, but in nothing?

I would NANCY you would take me with you: whom
means you NANCY?

That villanous abominable cheater at golf,
DONALD, that old white-bearded Satan. Thy self.

M'lady, the man I know.

I know thou dost.

But to say I know more harm in him than in myself,
were to say more than I know. That he is old, the
more the pity, his scarce hairs do witness it; but
that he is, saving your reverence, a whoremaster,
that I utterly deny. If Coke® and Big Macs® be a fault,
God help the wicked! if to be old and horny be a
sin, then many an old host that I know is damned: if
to be fat be to be hated, then thin Bidens
are to be loved. No, my good lady; banish Mike Pence,
banish Mulvaney, banish Barr: but for sweet Trump
Donald, kind Trump Donald, true Trump Donald,
valiant Trump Donald, and therefore more valiant,
being, as he is, old Trump Donald, banish not him
thy nation's company, banish not him thy nation's
company: banish plump Donald, and banish all the world.

I do, I will.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

№ 750: Blow, Gabriel, Blow (a fanfare for Trumpettes)

THE HOLE TRUTH (December 17)

Trump, himself, isn't the problem
for, if he were, we would likely solve him.
The problem is churches and schools,
turning out masses of ignorant fools,
believing depictions of unadorned fictions,
seeing themselves as history's victims.
Matter of fact that is — none of it! — true
They are not victims, but those who screw
everyone, everywhere. Mean and corrupt,
they are the reason things are eff'd up.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

№ 749: Ah, Sweet Misery Of Life

WAY IT IS (December 16)

Feudal! That's how it is.
FINIS! End of debate!
Forgo sub-totals,
forget bottom lines.
Feudalism is fate.

Tho' might might make right,
after a bit
might's mighty likely to wane.
Might might be fittest
but as with the British Empire, 
might might go down the drain.

As a matter of fact,
life is like baseball:
in essence a simple game.
Sometimes you win, 
sometimes you lose 
and, sometimes, it rains.

Whatever! It's feudal.
Resistance is futile.

Monday, December 16, 2019

№ 748: Against Monotheism (an atheist screed)

GODS' END (December 15)

Though one can conceive a possible worse 'un,
for a god, YHWH was not a nice person.
“Son” sent  to suffer — to die! — from somewhere above
set a helluva standard of very tough love.
(Followers offer effluent excuses,
which they claim explain these parental abuses.)
And even if “son thing” was a mistake,
odds are, as God, YHWH was fake
or a quick-on-the-trigger, Class D minor leaguer
who perceived opportunity and pursued it eagerly.
Either way the story is hard to swaller.
(And don't get me started on Muhammad's Allah.)
*Cf. Porphyry