Friday, May 10, 2019

№ 592.1: EXTRA! When Bad Was Good In The Movies

Lillian Gish: should a great actor be judged by a racist film?

An Ohio cinema has removed ‘Gish’ from its name due to her role in notorious 1915 film The Birth of a Nation. Cultural myopia – or proof of newly enlightened times?

DW Griffith’s 1915 film epic is still dangerous, perhaps increasingly so. The movie, which prompted protests from the NAACP and cinema riots on its release, praises the Ku Klux Klan and contains deeply offensive representations of African Americans in the years following the civil war. It was held responsible for a surge in KKK membership and has always had a toxic reputation, while being lauded for its technique.

When D. W. Griffith gave us The Birth Of A Nation
it was seen as and, rightly, deemed a sensation.
In black and white, his skillful directorial hand
celebrates hate and the Ku Klux Klan.
(Am I alone in finding that name
silly, illiterate and exceedingly lame?)
Anyway, as I had started to say
this flick was a hit back in its day,
way before anyone would call attention
to what is, at least, its extreme condescension.
(Well, it is actually more propaganda,
pandering slander from a racist grandstander.)

This “classic” agitprop still is deployed
to make down-market whites more paranoid,
assuring they never get to a place
where they can see there are no races.
Therefore a #MAGA conflagration
climaxing in The Death Of A Nation?
We have a leader who is such a jerk, he'll
likely lead us in this full circle.

№ 592: Donald Trump, Superhero (or TOP $ paid for kryptonite)


His superpower lies in concocting lies,
lies of unprecedented, ginormous size.
Lying has always been who Donald is,
lying is how he does his business.

Such lies for others mean:
find the defendant
inherently guilty.”

Thursday, May 9, 2019

№ 591.1: EXTRA! Race To The Bottom

Trump laughs after audience member suggests shooting migrants – video 


How do we make America great again?
Do what we did back in the day when
everyone said, “Only good Injun's a dead'n”
and it was okay to cheer for the Redskins!
We need to go back to when we were greater,
when we shot first and asked questions later.
If ever.
(Or never.)

[updated 5/9/2019, 6:15 p.m.]

№ 591: TRUMP! — the true unauthoredized fake psychography


Chapter 1: The Early Years

Donald was such a sad little lad.
Not at all manly. Not the least tad.
He liked dressing frilly
and acting quite silly.
His dad, Fearsome Fred,
he feared wished him dead.

His Mother and Father
had many quarrels
over his playing
with his sister's dolls.

This pretty boy 
was his mother's joy,
which greatly annoyed
who, a stern German,
thought women vermin
and with them 
could not be bothered.
Save for procreation
of the Aryan nation.
Fred was an Über
virile true Hun,
who truly detested
this sissy son.

To show how she cared
his mom brushed his hair,
with her brush plated gold. 
He was fifteen-years old.

Fearsome Fred said,
“Vinished! Enuf!
Dere vill be no more
mit dis fräulein-y ztuff.

to be continued. . .(or not)

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

№ 590.1: EXTRA! From Barr To Borstal

House Panel Votes to Hold William Barr in Contempt Over Mueller Report

‘We’ve talked for a long time about approaching a constitutional crisis—we are now in it,’ the panel’s chairman says

WASHINGTON—The House Judiciary Committee voted Wednesday to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt as the Democratic-led chamber and President Trump continued on a collision course over special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

[Committee Chair Jerrold] Nadler added, “Now is the time of testing whether we can keep a republic or whether this republic is destined to change into a different, more tyrannical form of government—as other republics over the centuries.”


The House has held Billy Barr in contempt?
Don't they know he's OF DONALD and therefore exempt
as Donald himself is from regs and rules
which apply to Democrats, losers and fools?

Instead let's investigate Hillary's servers,
NBC, Bernie's hair and (once more) Benghazi,
and leave in peace Trump's too complex taxes
and “fine people” such as his Tiki Torch Nazis.

[updated 5/8/2019, 7:30 p.m.]

№. 590: A Trumphumphant Reverie

(adapted from Richard III, Act V, Scene 3 with apologies to W. Shakespeare, Kit Marlowe, Oxford, Darby, Elizabeth I and all the other usual suspects.)


Give me another golf cart: bind up my bone spurs.
Have mercy, Mikey! — Soft! I did but dream.
O coward conscience, thou dost dare afflict me?
My thumbs turneth blue tweeting past midnight
While Coke spittle drips from my snarl purse-ed lip.
What? Do I fear? Congress? Those I can't buy?
Donald loves Donald; that is, I am I.
Is there a scoundrel here? No? Yes? Not I!
Then fly. To Mar A Lago. Play golf. Oh, I am sly!
Am I unhinged, Mac burger binged? What? Myself! I?
True fact! I love myself. Wherefore? Well, I'm that kinda guy
That I to myself do for myself
Tho' had I conscience I could hate myself
For hateful deeds committed by myself!
And think me a villain: yet I lie. I am not.
A stable genius, I speak truth. I do not flatter.
A conscience might have a thousand several tongues,
And every tongue bring a several tale,
And every tale condemn me for a villain.
Perjury! Perjury! That canst be thee.
Lookst thou to thy ratings on FOX TV;
Thou art without sin. Or so says Sean Hannity.
Did not Billy Barr tell the Senate “NOT guilty!”
How could I despair? All good creatures love me.
I do not foresee how they could shove me
out of the White House on the street by myself
replaced by Pence or somebody less than myself.
Methinks the Dems still believe I will topple.
They are unaware I don't follow estoppel.*
No one canst ever take vengeance on Donald.

[updated 5/8/2019 11:04 a.m.]
*a rule of evidence whereby a person is barred from denying the truth of a fact that has already been settled

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

№ 589: Pomp And Circumvents (Pompeian dreams of glory)


Great Cæsar had Pompey the Great,
Grate Trump has me, Michael Pompeo.
Pompey, of course,
in due course
lost his head.
Whereas I, Michael Pompeo,
may yet take to bed,
calling in sick
then retire quick
to some cozy nook
to write a book
that causes Trump
to tweet harumphs
saying I'm “lying,
not on the level.
(That would be like
praise from the Devil.)
Surely his tweets —
off of the rails —
would be a boost
for my book sales.
Maybe a groovy
Hollywood movie
where I play me
and they TWICE pay me?

I do not wanna be
just another dumb chump
who loses his soul
working for Trump.

Monday, May 6, 2019

№ 588.2: EXTRA! Trump Tax Redact

Treasury Department Rejects Request for Trump Tax Returns

Move is likely to send the dispute into federal court


If I let Congress see my income tax
they'd be accessories after the fact
of my fraud. I mean, “Good Lord!”
as Mike Pence likes to say.
(Day after day after day after day after day after. . .)

My reasons are simple. My reasons are clear.
So let the FAKE NEWS call me cavalier.
It's about privacy. My showing disdain for
all things that grate me. It's kleptomania.
Not even John McEnroe can understand
the ginormous genius behind my backhand.

No member of Congress has enough brain,
my great accountants could never explain,
only partisan Dems will ever complain,
I find all rules and regs a God-awful pain — 
oh sorry, Mikey, I took whatsis in vain — 
whatever I did was for my own gain,
so shut the fuck up and just let me reign.
You'd prefer Pence? He's fuckin' insane.
Or, at best, at least very odd.
He hasn't the brain
of a cephalopod.
A squid or an octopus!
I mean get real.
(If I had eight arms
think what I'd steal.)

№ 588.1: EXTRA! Handicapper In Chief In Brief

Donald Trump blames political correctness for Kentucky Derby chaos


The fix was in
the whole thing was pervy.
If it was fair,
I'd win the Derby.
Just kidding, of course,
but if I was a horse. . .

Only losers and fools
follow the rules.

№ 588: Election Reform (a molest proposal)

IF ONLY, May 5

Before you are hired
you may be required
to prove you're no liar
by being wired.

SOOO. . .during debates
hook candidates
to lie detectors
and check the vectors.

The pens'll squiggle,
the candidates wriggle,
providing proof
they never speak truth.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

№ 587.2: EXTRA! Allons Enfants, Aux Barricades

French as It’s Now Really Spoken

An American in Paris discovers a language that’s part English, part African, part Arabic—and fully French

Éric Zemmour, a best-selling French writer and political commentator, wrote in Le Figaro last year that the “French language is a masterpiece in peril,” and that linguistic change is “set on destroying, one after the other, our secular institutions of French identity.”

Zet alors! Sacred blur!
Cette travestie cannot occur!
Nous ne permettrons jamais notre sacrée tongue
(ce qui est really vraiment bad latin)
to become une croissant q'un étranger shat on!
(This is how we distinguish
le français from English.)

[updated 5/6/2019, 10:06 p.m.]
[updated 5/5/2019, 10:00 p.m.]
[updated 5/5/2019, 4:48 p.m.]