Chapter 1: The Early Years
Donald was such a sad little lad.
Not at all manly. Not the least tad.
He liked dressing frilly
and acting quite silly.
His dad, Fearsome Fred,
he feared wished him dead.
His Mother and Father
had many quarrels
over his playing
with his sister's dolls.
This pretty boy
was his mother's joy,
which greatly annoyed
who, a stern German,
thought women vermin
and with them
could not be bothered.
Save for procreation
of the Aryan nation.
Fred was an Über
virile true Hun,
who truly detested
this sissy son.
virile true Hun,
who truly detested
this sissy son.
To show how she cared
his mom brushed his hair,
with her brush plated gold.
He was fifteen-years old.
Fearsome Fred said,
“Vinished! Enuf!
Dere vill
be no more
dis fräulein-y ztuff.
to be continued. . .(or not)