Monday, January 1, 2018

No. 238: A Revisit Of St. Sick — Roy, The Inclement Moore

Assessing former candidate Moore's
all but admitted attempts to procure
sex from girls less than mature,
Ivanka spoke of a place in hell
reserved for abusers of children.
Well. . .
I find that bewilderin'.
Given her daddy's contrary stand
on the Judge AND her daddy's behavior. . ,
Her daddy who so grandly boasted
of the sort of behaviors he savors. . .

There is, I admit, a difference in age
between Moore's and her daddy's victims.
Does that and Daddy's being more famous 
give Daddy exemption from daughter's dictums?
To hell with the diff, I say convict 'im.
From what I can tell
both sit well in hell.