(with apologies to Burton Lane and E. Y. Harburg)
[For the sake of rhyme, Representave Nunes name rhymes with goons, prunes, baboons, impugns, lampoons, maroons, racoons, saloons, spitoons, teaspoons, typhoons, pantaloons, Microsoft Zunes. Poetic License may be examined at our offices.]
(Email subscribers: to hear the tune go to blog by clicking on title above.)
I'm hunting for conspiracy
here in our democracy
which I and I alone can see
Yes, I'm old Devil Nunes
a past master of lies
And, yes, old Devil Nunes pokes your eye
The FBI better not try
to think they'll outwit me
with the alt-right
spoilin' to fight
the Feds can not git me
Truth I fiddle-faddle
I'm hallucinating wide and high
seein' stuff in my mind's eye
conspiracy's my battle cry
GOP Looney Tunes
we're platoons of poltroons
And, yes, old Devil Nunes pokes your eye
Just when you think
you've seen the worst
Old Devil Nunes'
thumb's in your eye
I'm so perverse