President reportedly seeks parade in model of France's Bastille Day celebration, prompting one veterans' group to call him 'a wannabe banana republic strongman'
"...I will be so good at the military, your head will spin."
— Donald J. Trump, September 3, 2015, Hugh Hewitt interview
"Oh, my God" he cried as the phone fell from his fingers. "Do you know what he wants? He wants us to march. He wants everybody to march!"
— Catch-22, Joseph Heller (Chapter 37: General Scheisskopf)
getting laid
invoices unpaid
when I throw shade
meeting bridesmaids
lots of gold braid
defunding Medicaid
I don't love
getting weighed
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
I love
wealth displayed
that I'm overpaid
enemies waylaid
that I can degrade
the Everglades
I love
to receive accolades
court judgments stayed
driving somewhere by motorcade
I love
goosing the maid
my wife displayed
when I masquerade
when others get played
(or better betrayed
becoming dismayed)
pretending I am never afraid
to cut foreign aid
cake that’s handmade
I love
my rambling tirades
my endless charades
threats I’ll invade
beds left unmade
after sexual escapades
climate change which is never man-made
saying I opposed the slave trade
insisting illegals all carry switchblades
But most of all
I love parades
getting laid
invoices unpaid
when I throw shade
meeting bridesmaids
lots of gold braid
defunding Medicaid
I don't love
getting weighed
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
I love
wealth displayed
that I'm overpaid
enemies waylaid
that I can degrade
the Everglades
I love
to receive accolades
court judgments stayed
driving somewhere by motorcade
I love
goosing the maid
my wife displayed
when I masquerade
when others get played
(or better betrayed
becoming dismayed)
pretending I am never afraid
to cut foreign aid
cake that’s handmade
I love
my rambling tirades
my endless charades
threats I’ll invade
beds left unmade
after sexual escapades
climate change which is never man-made
saying I opposed the slave trade
insisting illegals all carry switchblades
But most of all
I love parades