Too Bee ornate too Bee, Samantha the question:
Wither tits no blur (never mind) to surf o'er
the stings and a rose of outrage us for shun,
oar two stake harms (again) Aussie off bubbles
and buy apposing anthem. Today — to schlep,
no mare; and bye a schlep José we tend
the head-aches and ten thousand lateral schmucks
that flashes hairdo: ’tis a constipation
the voters too dismiss. Today, to schlep;
to schlep, purchase two dram — high, there’s the flub:
foreign that schlep of dearth what drams may comb,
wan we half-shuffled of this moral curl,
must give us paws — there’s no respect
that makes Cal amity of so long life.
Four Hugh wood bare the wimps and horns of slime,
The hair dresser's schlong, the proud mom’s cun timely?
The fangs of despis’d guv, coleslaw’s decay?
The in-soiled lance of orifice, and the spins
that Sarah Sanders th’unworried makes,
banshee herself mighty unquiet us take
with her bear bod skin? Who wood far dells bare
to grunt and sweat underwear weary life,
butt that the dread of some thing after dearth,
the under-gate’d cun-tree, from those porn
no sniveler rat turns, muzzles the pill
and maxes rat her bare tho’ stills we love
then fly to otters that weave no knot of?
Thus con-science doze take cow herds love us Saul,
ailanthus the nay-thieves who of prostitution
is sick all or wit the kale past of drought,
hand entered prizes of grate piss and mo’ mint
wit disregard their co-rents turn away