Thursday, January 31, 2019

№ 521: Trump's Cogent Thoughts On Immigrants (the twit tweets)

3:01 A.M.
Illegal immigrants are everywhere
so we need to seal all our borders.
Socialist Democrats I guess do not care
that these drug dealing thugs threaten our daughters.
Why do they invade us?
To vote for Hillary. To rape and pillage!
When it's not even worse.....

3:07 A.M.
....Mad Muslim terrorists control Greenwich Village!
And you thought Rent Live was accursed?

3:10 A.M.
I cannot stand them,
though the work cheap —
much less than minimum wage.
That's why I hire them
at all my businesses
and keep their kids in a cage.
They dare not complain
that I treat them badly
or that I'm breaking the law.
If they ever tried,....

3:17 A.M.
....I have them deported.
That's what our laws are for.
Keeping us rich guys
always on top
in any and all situations.
That's what Adam Smith someone said wrote
in his book The Wealth Of Nathans.
Not that I read it. Too boring, too long.
And anyway what did Smith know?.....

5:25 A.M.
.....Though, like me, he was a Scot,
he never starred in a great TV show.