Saturday, September 9, 2017

No. CL.ii: EXTRA! Annie Randy Lives

From Quartz Weekend Edition: Making money during the apocalypse.

Bryan Menegus reports for Gizmodo from a conference whose attendees envisage a future where capitalism is under siege. “The machinery of freedom” apparently will include floating sea colonies, special economic zones, and stateless cryptocurrencies. And it’s up to these elite techno-libertarian attendees to ensure that future happens—whether it benefits the rest of the world or not. 

[WARNING: Piece is badly written and probably never saw an editor's red pencil. Reader caution, especially English major's, is advised.]

Annie Randy lives!
ever'one else is gotta die

Inane, insane,

in th' main
on Chris-t-ain

ever'one ya distain

throwed unner th' train
fer capital gain...
whuts t' complain

all's this hears sayin' is t' be free

yer gonna need sum more slavery