Monday, October 2, 2017

No. CLXIX: A One-percentish* Lament

To enjoy your life you have to be willing
to admit that your life is all about killing
animals, plants — all things delicious —
caring only that they are nutritious.

If we want to live,
something else has to give:
all other species.
Large and small beasties†
die for our gain —
LIFE is pure pain
atop the food chain.

*Human beings constitute .00018 percent of Earth’s non-marine biomass. — Wired, October 31, 2011
"...the question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?" — JeremyBentham
CORRECTION: Last Friday's Daily Doggerel, No. CLXII, Gimme That (VERY) Ol' Time Religion, contained a typo: "perbation" should have read "perturbation". Theatrical Cement Company regrets whatever perbation this error may have caused our reader(s). Corrected text.