Thursday, December 5, 2019

№ 741: Trumpism Triumphant (why it will work until it does not)

REALITY CHECK (December 4)

The nuts and bolts
of governing dolts
is ever so easily mastered
if you happen to be
an arrogant, ignorant bastard,
a Dunning Kruger case
with nary a trace
of decency and, without doubt,
a cheater and liar
with ample spare tire —
in short, a buffoon and a lout.
A Falstaff sans charm
who would cause alarm
bells to ring were there still any such.
But bells are now muffled,
feathers never get ruffled,
so nobody pays all that much
attention and without apprehension
they cannot comprehend the disastrous dimension,
the upcoming thud, the final kerplunk,
destined to flow from following Trump.