Wednesday, April 8, 2020

№ 830: Who Was Not That Masked Man?

3M N95 Respirator
Reason why Donnie will not wear a mask?
Well, that is personal. BUT, since you ask . . .
Germs, as you know, leave him sorely afraid.
(Which he forgets when he wants to get laid.)
One would suppose he could cover his nose . . .
but his mouth? Never! To that he’s opposed.
His reason? Simple. A far greater fear:
that even 3M's N95 gear
would utterly fail, go totally south,
destroyed by the lies that flow from his mouth.

Note to email subscribers: For reasons unclear, a link embedded in Monday's EXTRA! (№ 828.1 EXTRA! If It Quacks Like A Trump) did not work in email edition. To view original click here. This should work. Unfortunately, there is no way to test in advance. THE DAILY DOGGEREL® apologies for any inconvenience.