Wednesday, April 4, 2018

No. 305: They Just Don't Make Dutch Boys Like They Used To

Alex Wong/Getty Images 
In Dutch, as such
A Dutch attorney was sentenced on Tuesday to 30 days in prison for lying to federal agents, in the first formal conviction obtained by Robert Mueller in his investigation of Russian election interference and alleged collusion between aides to Donald Trump and Moscow.

EXCLUSIVE!: TCC News, apparent company of The Daily Doggerel, has exclusively obtained a copy of a proposed FOX News editorial regarding sentencing of confessed Dutch lawyer tied to Trump campaign if by nothing else than greasy hair.

Tho', truth be told,
he did cop a plea
for playing a rĂ´le
in our unfolding Trumpery,
why should we punish him,
this white male European*,
when our “Justice” system
denies us the right to shoot on sight
folks from the Caribbean?
(And Muslims, Blacks and Latinos
or the Injuns who now own casinos.)
The tragic fact is
we need target practice
to secure our borders,
to protect our wives
to defend our daughters,
to save our villages
from raping and pillaging.

We restate our conclusion,
there was no collusion
despite the profusion
of evidence.
LIB'RELS take heed 
do not push to impeach
even FOX does not need
the happenstance
of Preachy Pence as president.
*Tho' likely irrelevant to this discussion
it must be noted that his wife is a Russian.
Of course, one can not draw any inference.
It is, perhaps, just a funny coincidence.
(Would it be too snarky were I to remark
that her daddy's one of Vlad's best oligarchs?)

[updated 3/4/2018 1:52 am]