Friday, June 22, 2018

№ 362: Get Me Rewrite?

“A lady asked Dr. Franklin, ‘Well Doctor, what have we got a republic or a monarchy?
A republic replied the Doctor. If you can keep it.” 
— Dr. James McHenry, Maryland delegate to the Constitutional Convention

. . .national constitutions have lasted an average of only seventeen years since 1789.

Seventeen years? Goodness gracious, oh my!
Is that time enough for wet ink to dry?
As to the study of Constitutional Law,
you have to wonder whatever for.

Unrevealed “laws” can prove unreliable.
Especially when compared to the Bible,
the Quran, the Vedas and all Dialectics*
which are fixed, irrefutable and less eclectic
views of the place of the human race in Creation, 
a subject still subject to some disputation.
After several millenia of intensive study
our understanding sadly's no better than muddy.
*Dialectics are, in theory, discussions as opposed to revealed TRUTHS. But try telling that to a dialectician.

(not affiliated with The Daily Doggerel and Theatrical Cement Company)

BONUS: Melania's serenade to Donald on his birthday. Click