Tuesday, July 31, 2018

№ 389: Matthew 25:40 (updated)

The Daily Beast: Jeff Sessions’ ‘Religious Liberty Task Force’ Declares Holy War on LGBT People

The attorney general's new ‘Religious Liberty Task Force’ will ensure that the Trump administration’s program of discrimination against LGBT people and others continues unchecked.

We Christians must, of course, be free
to persecute those with whom we disagree.
That is what we mean by religious liberty.

This is because our God is weakish
unable to tolerate anything freakish.
And He gets pissed when we act meekish.

Yeah, right, “inherit the earth”.
We're darned tired of waiting. (For what it's worth.)
Why be last, God wants us first.

So away, we say, with all humility.
Forget Marxist (Christian?) “needs” and “abilities”.
Take what you can, there's no culpability.

You know what you want, then dagnabit.
You go on ahead and you grab it.
We gotta get past the “peace Jesus” habit.

To save us from gays, God gave us AIDS
to kill them by squadrons, battalions, brigades.
The modern equivalent of the Holy Crusades.

So it's a sin to spend Christian tax money on
developing drugs so they go on living on.
Better they die and go where we know they belong.

So much in this world we have to rectify.
So many sinners need to be crucified.
Or, at the least, made to die otherwise.

And to show we are not fooling around
we propose expanding “standing your ground”
to include a [white] Christian's inalienable right
to shoot whoever they dislike on sight.