Sunday, December 23, 2018

№ 492.4: EXTRA! Happy Holidays From Donald J. Trump

Guardian: Trump's 'Merry Christmas' pledge fails to manifest at his own businesses

Despite railing against political correctness, the word ‘Christmas’ is curiously absent from Trump’s stores, restaurants and hotels

Trump International hotel and tower, half a mile from Trump Tower, has used the term Christmas three times on Twitter in the past eight years. It has used “holidays”, in relation to the season, more than a dozen times.

Trump Tower has similarly betrayed the president’s hardline Christmas stance. “Happy Holidays from Trump Tower!” the building’s Twitter feed exhorted in December 2016 – a month after Trump’s election victory should have represented the final blow in the Christmas war. It has used the phrase twice this month alone.

Why the bother?
What is the fuss?
What's the big deal
about — is it — Christmas?
Some guy gets born
in some stable shed?
He was a foreigner
and now he's dead?!
So he's some sort of hero?
I'm sorry, I've
got a preference 
for heroes alive.

[updated 12/23/2018 3:33 pm]