Wednesday, December 26, 2018

№ 495.1: EXTRA! Spurring Partner

NYT : Did a Queens Podiatrist Help Donald Trump Avoid Vietnam? (Paywall)

Elysa Braunstein said the implication from her father was that Mr. Trump did not have a disqualifying foot ailment. “But did he examine him? I don’t know,” she said.

For decades, Dr. Braunstein saw patients in a congested ground-floor office below Edgerton Apartments in Jamaica, Queens, one of dozens of buildings owned by the Trumps in the 1960s.

TCC NEWS EXCLUSIVE! Theatrical Cement Company News, the parent company of The Daily Doggerel, has exclusively obtained the doctor's note future president Donald Trump presented to his draft board which then found him unfit to serve in the military. Some experts declared off the record and not for attribution that if Mr. Trump is still suffering from this painfully serious and totally debilitating condition, it would render him unfit to serve as president.

Dr. Blaustein's note, written on Trump Company stationary,  reads as follows:

Please excuse bearer
from military service
he has bone spurs
and guns make him nervous.
In addition to which
his daddy's a rich
real estate gent
who lowered my rent.