Monday, March 4, 2019

№ 543: Incredulous Witness

I don't know about you,
but I find it odd —
this misconception,
this transcendent God.
This infinite being,
all good, all powerful,
making a universe,
which is — at best! — dourful.

If you believe
please explain why
God chose a peculiar
number for π
and why Earth's year
inconveniently has
364.2422 days.
Such imprecision
implies lack of vision.

God's Christian followers
somehow conceive
that their God loves them.
Hard to believe.
Given God's “history”,
no court would grant
God visiting rights.

Face facts, my friends,
there's no need to atone.
Just a natural accident,
we're home alone.
This God notion
must cease and desist.
Still, we could act
as if God exists.

Of course, we will not.
Never have. Never will.
We'll carry on
believing God swill.