Thursday, March 21, 2019

№ 556: High Nunes (shoots foot at the YouTube Corral?)

Goats, cows and Devin Nunes' mom: how a Republican's Twitter lawsuit backfired

In the lawsuit against Twitter and a handful of users, the California Republican claims to be the victim of vicious internet trolls....

(with apologies to Sir John Suckling)

Why so pale and wan, dear Devin?
Prithee, why so pale?
Pretty please, do not tell me
thy ego is so frail.
Prithee, why so pale?

Why thy silly suit, dear Devin?
Prithee, why thy suit?
Being friend to Murdoch's FOX,
thou know'st truth is moot.
Prithee, why thy suit?

Knock it off, thou gormless fool,
thou sniveling Trump toady,
thou dumb-ass bigot, alt-right tool,
thou sad Wile E. Coyote.
If thou construe that insult be,
I invite thee: come sue me.