Monday, October 14, 2019

№ 703: Ye Olde Monnye (the bedde fellows o' wee Donnie)

MOUNT OLYMPUS, US (October 13)

We would be hard pressed to say which made us greater:
“Always shoot first and ask questions later!”
or the American motto from day number one:
“The only good Injun's a dead In-DIE-yun!”?

Then, too, we had slavery and business knavery,
excuse me, I meant shap Yankee traydahs, ayeh! —
smugglers, rum runners. Not to mention tax cheats.
The founders. In fact, our ancient elites.
Our first upper class as opposed to the crass
noveau richeparvenu, Gatsby-ish
Catholics, Jews, Mormons — or worse! —
who dare assail Mount Olympus,
which we would were invincible. 
As it once was. (In principle.)

Now we have Asians. With PhD's.
And scores of Latinos. Breeding disease.
Flocking en masse to our sacred shore.
We are damned mad, WE CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE!

We voted for Donnie (despite some unease)
fearing this “cure” worse than any disease.
Having said that, on the hole, we are pleased.
Though Donnie's lies are credulity straining
he, bless his [sic] soul, is sooo entertaining.

How you got there is never a mystery
when you find yourself on the ash heap of history.