Thursday, October 17, 2019
№ 706: Donnie Bosa Nova
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BOSA OF ALL BOSAS (October 16)
(with apologies to Antônio Carlos Jobim, Vinicius de Moraes and Norman Gimbel)
Gross and old and bald and ugly,
squeaking, squawking, tweeting and balking,
this sleazy Queens guy
who's Satan's minion per-sists
His lips move
you know he's lying
that he's there is mor-tif-y-ing
you question how could
a just God ex-ist
Ooh, but he so churns your stomach
how can we rid ourselves of him
this total a-moral hummock
each day
brings more misery
he lies con-tin-u-al-ly
Gross and old and bald and ugly,
squeaking, squawking, tweeting and balking,
this sleazy Queens guy
who's Satan's minion per-sists
Why does he ex-ist
Why must he ex-ist
How can he ex-ist
Goddam, but I'm pissed