Friday, June 19, 2020

№ 882: Deep, Deep, DEEP Red State Plan

The founding fathers never did say
one-man-one-vote is the answer.
They'd say, were they with us today,
“Democracy's proved a disaster.”

The rich and well-born, Hamilton swore
contrary to Lin-Manuel Miranda,
are best equipped to sing the score,
counterpointing Jefferson's vox pop propaganda.

Even Red Thom was not really lefty.
He never said, “Property's theft.” He
never envisioned expanding the franchise.
All of the founders thought that unwise.

People — the mobs, the ignorant slobs —
haven't a clue. (AND they're needy!)
Also they're poor and reek of manure.
They vote . . . things get exceedingly seedy.

There are so many of them.
Masses and masses.
Brown, black, yellow, red. 
(Some even WHITE!)
Thick as molasses.

Still conquer we will with shrill Donnie our shill,
until we're a true Christian Nation.
Then, with Pence in his place we will say grace,
and send Donnie away on a dis-served “vacation”.