Monday, September 25, 2017

No. CLXIII.ii: EXTRA! Graham-Cassidy GOP Score

The Congressional Budget Office released a partial analysis of the latest GOP bill late Monday, concluding the number of people with comprehensive health coverage would be “reduced by millions.” The CBO also estimated that by 2026, the bill would cut about $1 trillion in Medicaid spending, resulting in millions of people being left out of the program.

under our plan
millions of citizens
would lose health coverage
says CBO

why you don't get it
killing folks off
is the way to go

we plan to fund tax cuts
with billions and trillions
that would be wasted
keeping lower
(and middle)
class riff-raff alive
without healthcare they
won't live to retire
not a big deal
our donors will thrive 
(and we survive)

[updated September 26, 2017, 2:07 a.m.]