Friday, October 27, 2017

No. CLXLI: China Stradegy — Trump Bows To Xi

Donald Trump has saluted the “extraordinary elevation” of President Xi Jinping and compared him to a “king” on the eve of his trip to meet an exalted and emboldened leader now considered China’s most powerful since Mao.

Esteemed Master Xi,

Remember me?
The guy who runs
your other country?

I beg you remember
after dinner of steak
I humbly offered you
beautiful cake —
which, I recall,
you really liked —
while I told you of
my great missile strike
on Syria.
(Or was it Iraq?
My brain's daily blearier
on matters of fact.*)

I call you king.
Please, do not resent.
I know, like me,
you “say” president.

I hear in Beijing
you've enshrined your thinking
in your “Constitution”.
Would you think it lame
if I did same?
Must I be a Confucian?
(To hell with pollution!)

This place “Ty Juan”?
It's Mexican?
Down on all fours,
I say it's yours.

And NoKo's Kim?
Yes, I mean him.
May I be proactive?

The rest of the East:
entirely your feast.
I care not the least,
I desist and I cease.
I'm building at home.
(Can I get a loan?)

I remain respectfully,
Your servant,

*“So what happens is I said, ‘We’ve just launched 59 missiles heading to Iraq, and I wanted you to know this,'” Trump said in the interview. “And he was eating his cake. And he was silent.”
Syria?” Bartiromo corrected.
Yes, heading toward Syria,” Trump said. He followed up by mentioning Xi finished his dessert. — Mother Jones, Trump Brags About Eating the “Most Beautiful” Chocolate Cake During Syrian Missile Strike Decision