Thursday, December 14, 2017

No. 226.1: EXTRA! The Gift Of The #MAGAs

Make America Go Again?
(Put on a Broadway show again.)

Make America Gape Again?
(Entertain to escape again.)

Make America Grasp Again?
(Let businessmen cut union tasks again.)

Make America Gaze Again?
(At waves of amber grain again.)

Make America Glory Again?
(Change the American story again.)

Make America Glisten Again?
(Too gay? Maybe listen again?)

Make Alaska Russian Again?
(That's an R, not a G, but do it for me.
I owe it to Vlad, my best ever friend.)

Make America Grope Again?
(Undo Obama's “hope” regimen.)

Make America Giggle Again?
(Be fodder for late night TV. AGAIN!)

Make America Gloat Again?
(We never stop. We're always on top!)

Make America Glow Again?
(In the dark. Nukes! What a lark.)

Make America Govern Again?
(NO! That's Dem!
Not us! That's THEM!)

Make America Groan Again?
(Deregulate savings and loan again.)

Make America Grumble Again?
(A question, always, of not if, but when.)

Make American Gamble Again?
(Easy-peasy, they elected* me.)

Make America Gallop Again?
(But to be sure
not with Judge Moore.
That was Steve Bannon
who missed all the clues.
Inside my head, 
I said he'd lose.)

Make America Gag Again?
(By my never knowing when to say when.)

Make Afghanistan Go Away.
*Well, really, not actually.