Thursday, December 21, 2017

No. 231: Please Send To The White House* (I don't have a stamp)

Winter Solstice, Thursday, December 21, 2017, 11:28 am EST

Dear President Trump,

Let me say (this may not be totally true —
which, as we know, to you is no issue),
speaking for every Christian and Jew,
Muslim, Sikh, animist too,
Rastafarian, atheist, Shinto, Hindu,
Marxist, Mormon, the Scientology crew,
Adventists, Witnesses, pagans old, Wiccans new,
we join in bestowing “SEASONS' GREETINGS” on you.

(Well. . .that's what our moms and pops taught us, anyways. 
Always say something nice for the holidays.
If you were here, we'd say to you face
please disappear leaving no trace.)

We remain,
Yours Sincerely,
The Better Part of the Human Race

A brief shout-out
to beliefs I left out.
There are so many,
I haven't the time.
And furthermore, 
not all of them rhyme.