What's on the table?
Legislators of all party labels
Legislators of all party labels
never see a distinction betwixt
putting on paper what they want to be
versus nasty reality.
They think, "We voted. Everything's fixed!"
Democrats blew Obamacare rollout.
They passed it and thought they were ready to go.
Though, without West Coast supertech bailout,
it would have been instantly end of the show,
with no Justice John Roberts faking Chiefly
a reason to keep it alive. (However briefly.)
Is massive GOP tax overhaul
speeding toward that same exact wall?
DC, we may have a bit of a flaw.
Words hastily scribbled into the law
do not design tax filing forms,
1040 instructions or policy norms.
Who can possibly be in compliance
absent any IRS guidance?
Do not forget it will take time to be seen
if courts can tell what these words even mean.
And try to imagine the mother lode,
writing and testing all that computer code.
There is no time.
No, we don't have 'til mid-April deadline.
The hour is now. So, wow, we're in a jam.
Do Koch Brothers and others know how to program?