Tuesday, December 19, 2017

No. 229.1: EXTRA! Prejeudice

WASHINGTON — A federal court nominee who could not answer basic legal questions at a Senate hearing last week has withdrawn from consideration, the third such casualty for President Trump in the past week.

Deer Preciden Trumf,

I wanna be gudge.
Cuz I lack esperience
shudn't begrudg
my chanzes o'
gettin' a seed onna cort
sumbwears wherz
u getz lotsa support.

Lawz, like newz,
iz mostly fake.
All lives about
'swhud u can take.
Anythin elze'z
a big miss take.

Like u sed:
u see it,
u grab it.
'N if ure famous
they doan say nothin'
coz whud ure name iz.

Gol durn,
dag nab it.
Gimme position.
Aftrall I am a Christian.
I'll use the Bible
fer resolution
who the hell needs
some durn “Constitution”?
(Ain't nuno my biz,
whudever id iz?)

I am recommend bye Kluless Klan
pleez get back t'm az quik az u can.

(signed by)
ceveral dozins of double fust cuzins

[updated 12/19/2017, 10:58 am]