accident' Brett Kavanaugh's female law clerks 'looked like models',
Yale professor told students
Guardian learns Amy Chua said she would advise students on their physical looks to help win post in Kavanaugh’s chambers
If ya gotta have
as your law clerks
which, by the way,
is ridiculous —
I see no reason
not to require
that every one is
ly groomed and
sexily dressed,
with good looks conspicuous and great figure blessed
and must do always
and solely at my behest
what I request
which, as you may have guessed,
may include
staring at breasts,
lest they desire their careers be suppressed.
This is just how
this system works.
It is no
coincidence all my guy clerks
look like and act
like and are total jerks.
I chose each one of them specifically
because he seemed so like a mini-me.