Thursday, January 3, 2019

№ 501: What's It All About, Alfie?

Is there a purpose,
is there a point?
What if the universe
is just out of joint?
H. Saps.have been at it
now for some years.
What have we to show —
besides bankrupting Sears?

If every success
eventually fails,
I'd say somewhere out there
there's a thumb on the scales.
In the days when we preyed
on multiple gods
there maybe were
much better odds.
If one of those gods
liked who you are
(and no other objected),
they made you a star.

Today it is grimmer.
Just heaven or hell.
There may be a distinction
but I cannot tell
a significant difference —
suffering and boredom?
You ignored “The Big Y”
or you adored him,
thinking you had
freedom to choose
the name of the game
you were destined lose.