Saturday, May 4, 2019

№ 587.1: EXTRA! A Rosy Scenario With A Comment From Nicolás Maduro (a shoe on another foot?)


Trump, we know, belongs behind Barrs —
both Roseanne and Billy.
But picturing him behind some other kind
is optimistic. And silly.

Unless the solution's a revolution
and Maduro says Bernie Sanders
is U.S. leader and then somehow co-opts
Army, Navy and Air Force commanders.
(And, by some means, the U.S. Marines,
who must be co-opted since they run Trump's copter.)

“If a coup's good for me
it's good for you, too.
I'd enjoy seeing you 
in the hullabaloo 
that, thanks to you
we have in Venezuela,  
if you think overthrow's
good for what ails ya.
I, unlike you, received a majority.
Though it was fake, it gives me authority.”