Wednesday, November 29, 2017

No. 215: Decline And Gall

There can no longer be any debate:
Trump is not making us second-rate.
Nor third, for that matter. Nor fourth. Nor fifth.
These gross calumnies must cease forthwith.
With Trump our decline is so rápidamente,
we'll be lucky to still be in the top twenty*.

Would it give rise to widespread angina
were we† to trade places with China?

Would it be a crusher
to swap rank with Russia§?

Would we cease
if we were Greece**?

How would it feel
to switch with Israel††?

Though we've still a way to go,
we could end up like Mexico‡‡.

In another three years, I say we're ruined.
You see things otherwise? I say stay tuned.
number 7
number 20
§ number 27
** number 29
†† number 30
‡‡ number 33