Saturday, December 2, 2017

No. 217.6: EXTRA! What's 2b Done?

"The Great Divide" is what David Goodhart calls it in his book The Road to Somewhere: The Populist Revolt and the Future of Politics....On one side are "Anywheres," often educated professionals in urban areas, at ease with different people and locations. On the other side are "Somewheres," less educated, often in smaller towns, whose sense of self is defined by where they're from, not what they've achieved.

The Somewheres spent years thinking, "What happened to my country?" With Brexit (and Donald Trump), they exacted revenge. Now, it's the Anywheres who are aghast, asking, "What happened to my country?"  

Brexit and Trump. What's the solution?
The Terror” after the French Revolution?
Dare anyone sleep soundly in bed
with crowds outside shouting, “Off with their head!”?
Really, now, how can we go on?
Should we hope for a missile from Kim Jong Un?