Thursday, November 30, 2017

No. 216.1: EXTRA! What's Trump?

He tweets on sex scandals?
Really? Come on!
How'd he become
our new Teflon Don?

Can you imagine
the total FOX slaughter
had any Dem talked 
of “dating” his daughter?

(Male Evangelicals,
might find that fun.
Better, I'll bet,
than “dating” their son?)

No one else ever
in my memory
watched a replay 
claiming, “That isn't me!”

Yeah, he attended
an Ivy League School.
As has many an
uncool fool tool.

There's no disputin',
he ain't highfalutin.
How could he be,
working for Putin?

When you select
an asshole as POTUS,
you would expect
more folks would notice.
Yet so few have.
I find that bizarre.
Maybe he's not.
Maybe we are.