“We are extremely worried about the
consequences of a trade war and are urging the White House to not
advance with this plan,” AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House
Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.), said in a statement Monday.
Is this, at last, respite from despair?
Have Paul Ryan's
balls reappeared?
Has he grown a new
Will the limp wimp
stand up to the bully?
for rea$on$ the
publi¢ ¢an't under$tand fully,
will Ryan retreat,
du¢k ba¢k in hi$ $hell
and let Trump
¢ontinue pell-melling to hell?
What are hi$ in$tru¢tion$ from Brother$ Ko¢h?
Will he ¢ontinue
to be a $i¢k joke?
Of course, whatever
Donald says one day,
can be untweeted the next before
Who really can
We suggest staying tuned.
[updated 3/5/2018, 8:59 pm]
[updated 3/5/2018, 8:59 pm]