Thursday, March 8, 2018

No. 286.2: EXTRA! U.S. State Department Questions Trump NoKo Plan

State Department officials, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, were playing down the immediacy of talks in the hours before the White House rolled out the South Korean national security adviser, who made the surprise announcement that Trump would meet with Kim.

EXCLUSIVE! Theatrical Cement Company News has obtained notes from sources within U.S. Department of State. Herewith our summary:

For all we know
all he wants is
a Trump Pyongyang
Hotel and Casino.
With, of course,
a luxury golf course,
where for Kim each hole's
a hole-in-one
or someone gets shot.

If Trump and Kim both agree to apologize
they may arrange an exchange of technologies.
If Trump teaches Kim the art of the smear,
Kim will show him how he makes foes disappear.

[updated 3/9/2018, 6:19 pm]