Monday, March 11, 2019

№ 548: Courting Disaster (2020 FOREsight)

Trump's legacy: conservative judges who will dominate US law for decades

Republicans have confirmed 89 Trump-nominated judges, far in excess of appointments under Obama and Bush

That legacy comprises the 89 judges, and rapidly counting, that Trump has nominated, and Senate Republicans have confirmed, to serve at all levels of the federal court system. They are taking up posts from the district courts (53 Trump nominees confirmed out of 677 total) to the appellate courts (34 out of 179) to the US supreme court (two out of nine). Put together they form a kind of conservative judicial revolution that could impact all aspects of American life.

How can Dems pretend the country's recoverable?
How can they contend there's some grand scheme discoverable,
some closely-held, hidden, worst-case retorts
to undo what GOP's done to the courts?
Some magical thinking, which though convolutional,
Trump's trumped up Supremes could declare Constitutional?
Have Dems from what's happened become so detached
that they cannot see it's game, set and match,
that even with White House and Congress in hand
they'd no longer be in George Washington's land?

This is more than their usual idealist confusional.
The only conclusion: today's Dems are delusional.