Thursday, March 14, 2019

№ 551: A Letter To A Neighbor

Dear Mexico,

In the event you haven’t heard,
you’re presently bordering on the absurd
notion the nation directly next door
is building a wall from shore to shore,
from gulf to gulf to the Pacific,
which, in specific, is a horrific
waste of time and squandering of money
which you, doubtless, find exceedingly funny
that this guy (Trump) has the pure gall
to say that you will pay for his wall.

As the rest of the world laughs off their asses,
this is the way America passes,
abandoning sanity and common sense
trumpeting Trumpian incompetence,
handing the future to the Chinese.

What can Mexico do in times such as these?
Breed your Chihuahuas with their Pekingese.

Truly yours,
the formerly great American state,
which, following England, became second rate