My virus response was perfect. Terrific.
How many actually died?
Other than old, sick, city Dems
who never were on my side?
Also a bunch of minorities
who all vote three or four times.
Even with photo id cards,
it's hard to tell them apart.
The critical thing’s the economy:
stock prices, corporate gains,
year-end bonuses,
second-home ownership
for me and my oligarch friends
who need places to flee to
whenever a crisis occurs
with freezers completely
filled with fresh meat
and lotsa small rooms
for maids and chauffeurs,
like I have at Mar a Lago,
my palatial estate by the sea,
which I forbid ever to rise
since climate change can't affect me,
but if it dares I'll wreak havoc,
in what ways I'm unwilling to say,
therefore the sea, like everyone else
should lie back, close its eyes.
while I have my way.