Wednesday, October 18, 2017

NO. CLXXXIII: TRUMP — Dip Toeing Into Weevil “Genius”

After total non-start,
I'm outsourcing my
wall to Wal-Mart.
Constructed in China,
a wall seen from space.
So green men and Mexicans,
You say, “No way”
my wall's gonna work?
I say, “Oh, yeah.
Look at China!
See bad hombres there?”

After I'm done with Korea
(“Bye-bye, Kim, in hell I'll see ya!”),
though I'm tea-total,
to bond with my voters, I'll
celebrate with my first beer.

I have anti-impeachment insurance.
A test of opponents' endurance.
No matter how tense,
no Dems want Mike Pence!

NOT gonna write
my biography.
Can't copyright title:
“Despicable Me”.