Sunday, January 14, 2018

No. 247.1: EXTRA! Speak The Speech I Pray You

We have reviewed the audio from our interview with President Trump, as well as the transcript provided by an external service, and stand by what we reported. Here is audio of the portion the White House disputes. — WSJ

I'm over the moon
for Kim Jong Un
or would be
if I could speak clearly.
He leads one of my favorite nations.
A country blessedly free of Haitians.
In a world of catch as catch can
I love all places unAfrican.

My excuse:
my dentures were loose
so I sound as dumb speaking
as I tweet thumbs freaking
out fake media
with my alt-fact encyclopedia.
I leave these fakes to their fates.
Gor blesh th' U-n-i-did Schtaetz.