Saturday, February 24, 2018

No. 277.2: EXTRA! Donald Trump And The Curse Of The Evangelicals

This president’s effect on our cultural norms has been shocking. His critics would call it appalling; evangelicals say it’s immensely satisfying: They’ve seen a culture deteriorate quickly in the past decade, and they’re looking for a bold culture warrior to fight for them. Showing that God does indeed have a sense of humor, He gave them Mr. Trump. 

With at last a president who's God's plenipotentiary
we can repeal the twentieth century
and return again to the glory days
of a great President Rutherford Hayes*.

Trump is soooo sympathetic, generous, gentle
and, dare I say so, a tad sentimental.
When he sees no pretty women there
his hands are invariably folded in prayer.

We Evangelicals are in pursuit
of anyone we can persecute
in God's name, so we're not to blame
if the Lord and us think just the same.

Our God hates queers and same-sex marriage.
Our God hates anyone we choose to disparage.
Our God loves true Christian home schooling.
Our God loves five-four conservative rulings.

Of course, we'd prefer that Donald repent
but even the Devil was heaven sent.
Sometimes, you know, doing God's will,
you just have to deal with a load of pig swill.
*Hayes' election was less than deft,
a blatant, outrageous, electoral theft.
He ended post-Civil War Reconstruction
pretend he was ending “corruption”.
He used U.S. Army to suppress railway workers.
(The only way to treat striking shirkers.)