Wednesday, February 6, 2019

№ 525: SOTU In Situ

At least on this there is no debate:
the State Of The Union is in a state
unlike anything seen heretofore.

Yes, there was the Civil War
which you would think over and done.
(In the deep South, they think they won.)

Many whose grandparents heard people say,
Go back where you came from. This is OUR USA!”
are now in the forefront of those who propose
telling Latinos “Via con Dios”
and sending them back to whatever fate
awaits in their native failed state.
This, they say makes America great.

Along with Trumpian alternate facts
and lowering billionaires income tax
destroying the land, the sea, the air.
If there's a profit, who the hell cares?

By supporting all his lies and distortions,
Trump's "Christian" followers support his abortions
of government policy for the environment
which their God set as a requirement
when he explicitly gave them dominion.
And that's in their Bible. It's not my opinion.

Trump mentioned his meeting with Dear Chairman Kim,
saying, “He'll lie to me and I will believe him.
He'll say he's scrapped every last missile.
I'll smile and think of Bob Mueller's dismissal
which forever will end the WITCH HUNTS.
I really do hate dealing with C-U-N-T-S!”

No lying Trump speech full of distortion
would be complete without decrying abortion.
Would GOP men still feel the same
if instead of ten seconds they played the nine month game?

There is one thing this speech revealed:
The State Of The Union should be repealed.
Since Trump can't tell the truth, no how, no way,
why force us to listen to what he has to say?

Finished (at last) with Trump's line of crap.
As they say in the movies: Well, that's a wrap.