Monday, September 30, 2019

№ 693: Rumors Of Boomers (the FOX demographic)

ONTHEBRINK (September 29)

We the people of the Murdoch FOX nation
will soon be exceedingly dead.
That could explain, however appalling,
our lack of concern for what lies ahead
for “the children” (now mid- to late-middle age)
and grandkids (who never call,
except to remind us when they have a birthday).
To them we say, “The hell with you all!”
They can simmer in their own juices
as oceans rise and the world bakes.
We will never apologize or offer excuses,
we know we never made any mistakes!
We know we were the crown of creation.
At this late date it would be superfluous,
to think about anything other than us.
As the planet swirls swift down the drain,
we just take our meds, watch FOX and complain.